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Ba in the Shetaut Netjer nu Khemtnu is the equivalent to the

Ba hovering above the Khat (corpse). This scene represents the Ba "taking flight" after mortal death.

western concept of the soul. Its symbol in Netjer Medu is the stork, or jabiru bird. The significance of the Ba being an animal that takes flight is that it symbolizes the essence and ability of the soul being able to be released and "take flight" from the mortal body after the mortal body is shed in death. The Ba is viewed to be the eternal spark of life, and it is not affected by actions and harm done to the corpo(Real) body or Mind. The Ba is also referred to as the higher self, which re-unites with the Universal Ba after it is released from the mortal body. This is the primary purpose of the Shetaut Netjer nu Khemtnu--to condition and en(Light)en the Ba for its reunification with the Universal Ba, or the concept attempted to be described in the western term "God".[1] This process of en(Light)ening the Ba takes place in the Mind; however, if the Ba is not properly or fully en(Light)ened at the moment of mortal death, then it is said that the Ba (life energy, Conscious energy) would begin the creation of another mortal body by conception and birth, i.e. reincarnation.


  1. An early name of Amun was Shet-Ba, or "the One with the Hidden Soul".


  • Ashby, M. (2006). "The Book of Coming Forth by Day". Cruzian Mystic Books.