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Message to the Blackman in America is a book published by Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad in 1965, and reprinted several times since. After the death of Elijah Muhammad in 1975,it was first reprinted by UBUS Communications Systems. Beginning with a brief autobiography of Muhammad, it also covers his philosophies on race, the religion of Islam, politics, economics, and social issues, and how they relate to the problems of Afrikans in america. The book also covers his own ideology and how he feels the Blackman can improve himself in america. The book calls for justice under the laws of america;or for america to help settle Black people in a separate land of its own, "either here or elsewhere.
Section 1: Allah is God
- Who is that Mystery God? Part I
- Who is that Mystery God? Part II
- Is God a Spirit or a Man?
- The Coming of God: Is He a Man or a Spirit?
- The Origin of God as a Spirit and Not a Man
- The Coming of the Son of Man, The Great Mahdi
- The Coming of Allah (God)
- The Coming of God and The Gathering Together of His People
- The Coming of the Son of Man
- The Infidels are Angry
- Allah, The Best Knower
- The Days of Allah
- If God was your Father, you would Love Me
- Persecution follows the Coming of God
- The So-Called Negroes Salvation
- Allah is Judging Today
- Submit to Allah (God) and Fear Not
Section 2: Original Man
- Know Thyself
- First Love Yourself
- Understand Self
- Help Self before Helping Others
- What the So-Called Negro Must do for Himself
- Get Knowledge to Benefit Self
- Knowledge of Yourself
- If the Civilized Man Fails to Perform his Duty What Must be Done?
- Accept Your Own
- We Must Teach Our Own
- Blackman, Accept Your Own
- Who is the Original Man?
- A Good Name is Better than Gold
- Help Self: What Must be Done with the Negroes
- The Black Woman
- Protect and Elevate Your Woman
- The So-Called Negro Must Do Something for Himself
- Birth Control Death Plan
- Plan to Destroy Our Race
Section 3: Islam
- What is Islam?
- Meaning of Islam
- The Principles of Islam
- Islam, Only True Religion of God
- Islam, The True Religion of God Part I
- Islam, The True Religion of God Part II
- Everything has Failed
- Islam For So-Called Negroes
- Make All Things New
- Islam Dignifies
Section 4: The Bible and Holy Qur'an
- The Bible and Holy Quran: Which One Contains the Words of God?
- The Bible
- The Knowledge of Bible and Holy Quran
- The Glorious Holy Quran Sharrieff
- The Bible and Holy Quran: Which one is right?
- Truth
Section 5: The Devil
- Devils Fool and Disgrace You
- Truth of Guilty Made Known
- The Making of Devil
- Serpent
- The Beast Part I
- The Beast Part II Who is Able to Make War with Him?
- The Blood Shedder
- Not Your Brother
- Will White Christians Accept Islam?
- The White Race's False Claim to Be Divine, Chosen People
Section 6: Prayer Service
- Prayer in Islam
- The Significance of Prayer
- Muslim Prayer Service and It's Meaning
- Time of Prayer and It's Meaning
- The Morning Prayer
- The Preparations and it's Meaning
- The Opening
- Knowledge of Prayer
- Prayers to Pray
- A Prayer for the Messenger
- Confidence Gained Through Prayers
Section 7: Program and Position
- What Do the Muslims Want?
- Explanation of What Muslims Want and Believe
- A Program for Self-Development
- Put Muslim Program to Congress
- An Economic Blueprint
- To Gain a Place in the Sun
- What is Un-American?
- Misunderstanding and Misinterpretation
Section 8: Economic Program
- To Help Fight Against Poverty and Want
- A Sound Economic Plan I
- The Economic Program II
- Up! You Can Accomplish What You Will!
- The World Hails the New Economic Program
- Separation! Independence!
Section 9: The Persecution of the Righteous
- Persecution of the Faithful
- We Seek Truth and Justice
- Were Muslims Framed to Whitewash The Guilty?
- Right to Peaceful Assembly Denied to So-Called American Negroes
- The Right of Self-Defense
Section 10: Land of Our Own and Qualifications
- The Unity of 22 Million
- How Can We Unite?
- Of Land and A Nation
- A House of Our Own
- Do We Have the Qualified Men and Women for Self - Government?
- Separate and Be Saved
- We Must Have Some Earth - And Soon
- A Nation of Our Own
- A Nation Within A Nation
- For Freedom, Justice, Equality
- Our Day is Near at Hand
- The Flag of U.S.A. and Islam
- The True Solution
- A Rule We Must Live By
- Truths To Set You Free
- On Sport and Play
Section 11: Hypocrites, Disbelievers and Obedience
- We Need Not Have Fear For Future
- Beware of False Prophets
- On Hypocrites
- Beware of False Promises
- The Teaching Of The Holy Qur-an On Obedience
- Victory of the Apostle
Section 12: The Judgement
- On Universal Corruption
- The Break - Up of The Old World!
- The Day Of America's Doom
- America is Falling Her Doom is Sealed
- The Decline of the Dollar
- The Resurrection of Our People
- Make America Know Her Sins
- A House Doomed to Fall
- The Fulfillment of Prophecies Seen
- Rise and Fall of The Christian World
- Battle in the Sky is Near
- The Great Decisive Battle in The Sky
- The Battle in The Sky
- Regrets of The Doubters
- Time Is At Hand
- Will You Be The Winner?
- Build Your Own Society
- The Hereafter