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بداوية Badāwīyä
Spoken natively inSudan, Eritrea, Egypt
EthnicityBeja, Beni-Amer
Native speakers1,178,000  (date missing)
Language family
Language codes
ISO 639-2bej
ISO 639-3bej

Beja (also called Bedawi, Bedauye, To Bedawie) or North Cushitic is an Negro-Egyptian language of the southern coast of the Red Sea, spoken by about two million nomads, the Beja, in parts of Egypt, Sudan, and Eritrea.[1]


It is usually seen as Cushitic, but several scholars, notably Robert Hetzron (1980), have regarded it as an independent branch of Negro-Egyptian.



  • Gordon, Raymond G.. Jr., ed. (2005), "Beja", Ethnologue: Languages of the World (15th ed.), Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics

Further reading

  • Almkvist, Herman N. . 1881-1885. Die Bischari-Sprache. 3 vols. Uppsala.
  • Václav Blažek. 2003. "Beǧa language", in: S. Uhlig et al. (eds.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica Vol. 1: A-C (Wiesbadn: Harrassowitz), pp. 519b-521b.
  • Hudson, Richard A.. 1974. "A structural sketch of Beja," African Language Studies. Ed. D.W. Arnott. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. Pages 111-142.
  • Hudson, Richard A. . 1976. "Beja", in: M. Lionel Bender et al. (eds.), The Non-Semitic Languages of Ethiopia (East Lansing: Michigan University, African Studies Centre), pp. 97–131.
  • Reinisch, Leo. 1893-1895. Die Beḍauye-Sprache in Nordost-Afrika 2. 3 vols. Vienna: F. Tempsky.
  • Reinisch, Leo. 1895. Wörterbuch der Beḍauye-Sprache. Vienna.
  • Roper, E. M. 1927. "The Poetry of the Haḍenḍiwa", in: Sudan Notes and Records 10, pp. 147–158.
  • Roper, E. M. 1928. Tu Beḍawiɛ: An Elementary Handbook for the use of Sudan Government Officials. Hertford, Herts, England: Stephen Austin and Sons, LTD. Oriental and General Printers.
  • Voigt, Rainer. 1998. "Zur Gliederung des Kuschitischen: das Beḍauye und das Restkuschitische", in: I. Fiedler, C. Griefenow-Mewis & B. Reineke (eds.), Afrikanische Sprachen in Brennpunkt der Forschung: linguistische Beiträge zum 12. Afrikanistentag, Berlin, 3-6 Oktober 1996 (Köln 1998), pp. 309–324.
  • Vycichl, Werner. 1953. "Der bestimmte Artikel in der Bedja-Sprache", in: Muséon 66, pp. 373–379.
  • Wedekind, Klaus and Charlotte Wedekind. 2007. A Learner's Grammar of Beja. Koeln: Koeppe Verlag.
  • Zaborski, Andrzej. 1975. The Verb in Cushitic. Warszawa.
  • Zaborski, Andrzej. 1989. "Der Wortschatz der Bedscha-Sprache. Eine vergleichende Analyse", in: Ausgewählte Vorträge. Deutscher Orientalistentag (Stuttgart; ZDMG Supplement VII), pp. 573–591.
  • Zaborski, Andrzej. 1997. "Problems of the Beja Present Seven Years Ago", in: Lingua Posnaniensis 39, pp. 145–153.

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