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The Kemetic Pantheon, or family of NTRs is one of the oldest in in the world. These beings have their origin in the oral history of the Afrikans of the Nile valley and throughout history spread to the rest of the world, taking root in regions such as Greece[1], Rome, India, and other Asian countries. It's been theorized that Kemetic NTRs are the root of many worshiped figures in the world.[2][3]

The Neteru


Djehuti is the Neteru responsible for the propogation of the writing system that the Africans of the Nile Valley used to communicate their knowledge to the world. While his wife Safekh-Aubi, or Sesat was the creator of the system, he taught it to the world. He is also associated mathematics, wisdom, learning and thoughtfulness. All of the Funerary Texts, and the Books of Coming Fourth by Day and by Night were prepared by him and Sesat. When Maat weighs a human's heart against his or her actions in life, it is Djehuti that records the findings and reports them to the rest of the Neteru.


Ra or Re is the mid day sun, when it's most powerful in the sky. Ra was also the NTR of creation. All forms of life were believed to have been created by Ra, who called each of them into existence by speaking their secret names. All humans were created from Ra's tears and sweat. His main city center was Iunu. Greeks called this city Heliopolis Helio-Sun Polis-City, City of the Sun.
